Thursday, March 14, 2013

Beware the Ides of March

March has been a relatively productive month, writing-wise.  I just had a poem published in the great online journal Red Fez, their tenth anniversary issue.  The site has a great new design and the issue features fantastic work by many friends of mine.  You can check out my poem, links to the issue and all things Fez via this link:

I also have poems featured in forthcoming publications from the excellent Gutter Eloquence Magazine, The Blue Hour Magazine and The Weekenders.   My chapbook, All the Rage, will be published by Electric Windmill Books very soon. I'll keep you posted on all of these things well into April.

I will be a featured reader along with Joan E. Bauer at Tebot Bach in Huntington Beach, CA on March 29th at 8 PM.  I have heard nothing but amazing things about Tebot Bach and am very honored to be asked to read for their monthly series.  Here's the site link:

As I always seem to say, this blog will eventually undergo renovations to include my publication credits and more links.  I just need to stop procrastinating and get to it!!!!  Until then...