Tuesday, January 8, 2013

What's Wrong With You, Boy? You Don't Blog No More

Pictured above is the latest, fifth issue of Electric Windmill Press.  I have had the good fortune of appearing in a number of issues from Electric Windmill, and am thrilled to have three poems in this one.  Many thanks to Brian Le Lay and Jess Dykstra, editors.  Here is a link to issue five (which includes folks like Thomas R Thomas and Bud Smith, among others!):


Also included on the Electric Windmill site are links to my chapbook from Flutter Press, Burn Through Today, and this blog...which made me think:  I haven't updated this bugger in seven months!  I am trying to amend that and am here to say more updates are on the way.  I am currently working on a extensive archive of my published work to install here within these pages, as well as links to my comrades in ink and other things I love.  

I will announce here that I have two chapbooks of my poems due out this year:  "All the Rage" from Electric Windmill Books and "Contents Under Pressure" from Crisis Chronicles Press.  Many thanks again to Brian and Jess at EW and to John Burroughs of Crisis Chronicles for taking me on!  You can check out Crisis Chronicles Press here--they do excellent work and I'm thrilled to take part:

I'll leave you with a link to Thomas R Thomas' excellent cyber chapbook from Carnival Lit Mag, available for your viewing pleasure at the Carnival website, because I love Thomas' poetry and have all the love in the world for Carnival, an excellent online literary journal.  Enjoy!